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The Google Ads Service allows businesses to display ads on Google’s search results pages and on other websites in the Google Ads network. Businesses create and pay for ads through the Google Ads platform, and those ads are displayed to users who search for keywords that are relevant to the business. Businesses use Google Ads to:

Reach a larger audience: Google Ads allows businesses to reach a wider audience than they might be able to through organic search alone. By displaying ads to users searching for keywords related to their business, businesses can increase their visibility and attract more potential customers.

Target specific audiences: Google Ads allows businesses to target their ads to specific locations, languages, and demographics. This means that businesses can display their ads to users who are most likely to be interested in their products or services, rather than displaying their ads to a broad audience that may not be interested.

Measurable results: Google Ads provides detailed performance data, allowing businesses to see how their ads perform and track their advertising efforts’ results. This allows businesses to optimize their campaigns and improve their return on investment.

While Google Ads is extremely powerful, many users do not use it properly and therefore do not maximize the benefits and effectiveness of the platform. Here are the 10 mistakes we typically see business make and which you should avoid.

1. Need to properly set up conversion tracking

Conversion tracking is a crucial part of any Google Ads campaign. It allows you to see how well your ads perform and whether they result in desired actions, such as purchases or sign-ups. Without proper conversion tracking, you won’t have a clear picture of how your ads are performing and won’t be able to optimize them effectively.

2. Not using negative keywords

Negative keywords allow you to exclude specific search terms from your campaigns, so your ads don’t appear for those queries. For example, if you sell men’s shoes, you might use negative keywords like “women’s” or “kids” to prevent your ads from showing up for those searches. Remember to use negative keywords to avoid your ads being shown to the wrong audience, leading to poor performance and a waste of ad spend.

3. Not using ad extensions

Ad extensions are additional information that can be added to your ads, such as location, phone number, or other links. These extensions can help improve the visibility and relevance of your ads, leading to a higher click-through rate (CTR). Not using ad extensions is a missed opportunity to improve the performance of your ads.

4. Not using targeted keywords

Keywords are the terms and phrases that trigger your ads to appear in search results. Using targeted keywords is essential for reaching the right audience and improving the performance of your ads. You need to do proper keyword research and targeting to avoid your ads being shown to the wrong audience, leading to poor performance and a waste of ad spend.

5. Not segmenting campaigns by match type

Google Ads offers three keyword match types: broad, phrase, and exact. Using the wrong match type can result in your ads being shown to the wrong audience or for the wrong search queries. It’s essential to segment your campaigns by match type and use the appropriate match type for each keyword to ensure that your ads are being shown to the right audience.

6. Not testing different ad groups and ads

Testing several ad groups and ads is essential for optimizing the performance of your campaigns. You can determine which ads perform best and adjust accordingly by testing different ad groups and ads combinations. Failing to try different combinations can result in missed opportunities to improve the performance of your campaigns.

7. Not using proper ad targeting

Ad targeting allows you to specify the locations, languages, and demographics that your ads will be shown to. Accurate ad targeting is crucial for reaching the right audience and improving the performance of your ads. Failing to use proper ad targeting can result in your ads being shown to the wrong audience, leading to poor performance and a waste of ad spend.

8. Not optimizing for mobile

Consumers increasingly use their phones to search for products and services, making it essential for businesses to optimize their ads for mobile. In many industries, the percentage of mobile website visits is in the 60-75% range.  Failing to design and optimize for these mobile users will translate to a poor user experience and a decrease in ad performance.

9. Not using ad scheduling

Ad scheduling allows you to specify the times and days that your ads will be shown. This can be useful for businesses that only operate during certain hours or want to target specific times of day when their audience is most likely to be searching. Failing to use ad scheduling can result in your ads being shown at times when they are less likely to be effective, leading to a waste of ad spend.

10. Not regularly monitoring and adjusting campaigns

Google Ads is a constantly evolving platform, and it’s important to regularly monitor and adjust your campaigns to ensure that they are performing at their best. This includes checking for any errors or issues, analyzing performance data, and making adjustments as needed. Failing to regularly monitor and adjust your campaigns can result in poor performance and a waste of ad spend.

Avoiding these 10 common mistakes can ensure that your ads reach the right audience and achieve your desired results. Proper conversion tracking, use of negative keywords and ad extensions, targeted keywords, segmentation by match type, testing different ad groups and ads, proper ad targeting, mobile optimization, ad scheduling, and regular monitoring and adjustment are all essential for the success of your campaigns. By considering these factors and implementing them effectively, you can optimize your campaigns and maximize your return on investment.